Author. Translator. Photographer.

Don Cellini

On the Horizon of Loneliness

On the Horizon of Loneliness

On the Horizon of Loneliness: Poems in Reflection Short poems by celebrated Venezuelan poet Alfonso Solano on a variety of topics. Buy it at Mouthfeel Press



First English translation of Mendoza’s powerful collection of poems. Available from the author. $10.00 Buy Now Also available from Editorial Pulpo, Puerto Rico. Editorial Pulpo

Another Way

OTRA VÍA portada

$15.00 Buy Now No payment method connected. Contact seller.

Ink and Water: Sketches of Bacalar

Bacalar bilingual

Author Claire Joysmith meditates on the several shades of blue that make up the Laguna de siete azules in Bacalar, Mexico. $19.99 Buy Now

The Lady and the Unicorn

The Lady and the Unicorn

La presente obra obtuvo el premio de poesía en los XII Juegos Florales Ramon López Velarde 2019, en Jerez Zacatecas. Así mismo, fue beneficiaria del programa ARTE RESILIENTE 2020 convocado por la Secretaria de Cultura de Coahuila para hacer posible su edición electrónica. This work won the poetry prize at the XII Ramon López Velarde […]

Book of Mishaps

Book of Mishaps

Venezuela is a country in crisis. The economic crisis has produced hyperinflation and prices have risen by more than 6,000%. Millions of citizens do not have access to basic health care and adequate nutrition. Police practices are brutal. With all this happening simultaneously, it’s no surprise that more than 5.5 million citizens have left Venezuela, […]



Matched pairs of spare, elegant poems in English and Spanish, generously illustrated (24 pages) with the author’s original and stunning photography.


Inkblots by Don Cellini

The dual-nature of Don Cellini’s book–with poems in Spanish and English and mirror-image photos–is reinforced by its twin vertices of people and nature, humor and melancholy, solitude and solidarity. The language is so crisp and clean and polished that the poems simply beg to be read out loud. ¡Bravo! Sandra Kingery, translator Of My Real […]

Translate Into English

Translate into English

Translate into English is framed with grammatical instructions from a turn-of-the-century Spanish lesson book. Possessing a rare elegance and integrity, Cellini’s poems are intelligent and clever while capturing subtle emotions. From the compelling concept to the fine execution of these poetic vignettes—each work, each poem, every page is necessary to the whole. And the whole […]

Candidates for Sainthood and other Sinners

Candidates for Sainthood

This collection of poems explores the thin line between saint and sinner. The poet asks the reader to consider, “Who is the saint here? Who is the sinner?” A few well-known people appear in poems as well as a few genuine saints, but mostly the poems explore the saints and sinners and everyday folks that […]

Stone Poems

Stone Poems by Don Cellini

Stepping stones, paving stones, Rolling Stones, crushed stone, building stone, gemstones, birthstone, healing stones, tombstone, millstone, whetstone, precious stones, kidney stones, gravestones, beach stones, massage stones, landscape stones, Stone Mountain, keystone, cornerstone, touchstone, grinding stone, sacred stones, headstone, Rune Stones.  There is Stone Age, stone-broke, stonecutter, stone ground, stone fruit, Stonehenge, stonemason, stone soup.  And […]

Piedra Poemas

Piedra Poemas

Las piedras han servido en la historia de la humanidad para producir el fuego o construir grandes templos, nos han enseñado a alabar a Dios o las hemos utilizado para golpear. A veces, pueden ser semejantes a la carga de muchas culpas o recordarnos a nuestros ancestros que han muerto. Así es la fuerza de […]

Outside the Garden

Outside the Garden

Don Cellini’s most recent and perhaps his most personal collection of poems. $10.00 Buy Now No payment method connected. Contact seller. Bilingual edition of Outside the Garden. Limited edition, published in Colombia. Available from the author $15.00 Buy Now Bilingual edition of Outside the Garden. Revised edition. $10.00 Buy Now

Elias Nandino

Though Latin America has a strong tradition of poetry, many of its best poets remain untranslated in the United States. Elkas Nandino (1900–1993) was a Mexican poet who made his living as a surgeon and physician. He published twenty volumes of poetry in his lifetime, work often focused on solitude, eroticism, and love. In recognition […]

Images for an annunciation

Images for an annunciation

The first international congress in honor of the Mexican poet Elías Nandino (1900-1993) was held in Guadalajara in October 2008.  Nandino was a physician and poet who is known, not only for the poetry he published during his lifetime, but also for his support of young poets throughout his career.  Through his workshops and his […]